Welcome to Myplan.ie

A web map portal providing spatial information relevant to the planning process in Ireland. This site is an initiative of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage in conjunction with Irish Local Authorities. 

Attention Myplan.ie Service Consumers December 2024

Latest News & Reports

This section includes updates on new data or recent changes made to Myplan.ie. Documents and reports relating to the planning process can also be found here.


The Myplan.ie Zoning Map Viewer web application has been upgraded and new zoning data has been added to the web map where available from the most recently adopted city and county development plans. The underlying technology in use has changed but the look and feel of the application has been retained, along with most of the functionality and data layers that were previously available. New data will be added from time to time so please check back regularly.


The National Planning Geospatial Data Hub is a collaboration between the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and Tailte Éireann and features a range of interactive maps and dashboards which focus on planning and development activity in Ireland and are now accessible in one centralised location.


Strategic Housing Development Applications and Cases (2016 onwards) data from An Bord Pleanála is now available to view in the National Planning Application Map Viewer.


Dublin Housing Task Force data (2024) is now available on Myplan.ie. Further information is available at www.housing.gov.ie